Lauren is 7 weeks old today!
She's more alert, likes to stare at anything black & white, and is smiling at the sound of her daddy's voice. She also really likes to be outside, either in her bouncy while I do yardwork, or in her Baby Bjorn on a walk with Calvin & Sadie. I can't get out the Baby Bjorn anymore without Sadie getting all excited.
A friend of mine gave me the great idea of taking Lauren's picture with her dog pillow as she grows. I took the one below on the 4th of July - Lauren's favorite holiday. She was happy as can be through two nights of fireworks - more than I can say for Calvin!
Today we practiced taking naps in her crib.
Between her swing, the carseat and friends & family, Lauren hasn't had to sleep in her crib except at night.
It was no small task for today and we'll be working on it again tomorrow!